Attractions Jayawijaya Peak is located in the tropics is a snow-capped mountain, you can rectify these assumptions after visiting Jayawijaya Peak, the highest peak in the Sudirman Mountains (Sudirman Range) in the province of Papua. Peak or a shorter Jayawijaya called Puncak Jaya, reaching a height of 4884 + meters above sea level (asl), allowing the area covered by eternal snow.
However, permafrost is expected to shrink, even drying. In a number of studies concluded that the deposits of ice in these mountains from year to year a serious shrinkage. Depreciation in the Sudirman Mountains snow is caused by global warming. Thus, it is not impossible to lose one day these mountains of snow as it does on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Now, before it is actually estimated to be real, it could not hurt you to try to conquer the highest peak in Indonesia.
Jayawijaya Peak is one of the snowy mountain peaks that exist at the crossing of the equator, in addition to mountains in Africa and Latin America. When viewed from the air, Puncak Jayawijaya looks like a black carpet that was covered by a white hood. If the sun is bright, the snow will reflect the blinding sunlight. The content of the ice in the mountains is expected to reach 5 percent of the world's ice reserves outside the continent of Antarctica. However, due to global warming, the amount of shrinking year by year. When viewed from the type glaciers, snowy region Jayawijaya into the type of Alpine glaciation. While glacier (snow lumeran flow) in the region into the type of Valley Glacier, the glacier stream flowing from the higher towards the lower area. Therefore, in this area there is a possible flow of the glacier.

Besides known as Puncak Jaya, the highest peak is also known as Carstensz Pyramide, or the Carstensz Peak. The name was taken from an adventurer from the Netherlands, namely in January Carstensz, who first saw the snowy peaks in the tropics, specifically in New Guinea. The observation was made by Jan Carstensz through an ocean liner in 1623. Since not be proved by direct observation, the report was considered absurd. Because, for Europeans, find the snowy mountains in the tropics is something that is almost impossible.
The highlight of which is also listed as one of the top seven continents (Seven Summit), which is phenomenal and a coveted mountain climbers in the world. The peak is located in the National Park Jayawijaya Laurentz, Papua. The peak was covered by eternal snow. Eternal snow on Peak Jayawijaya is one of three snow fields in the tropics that are in the world. In our country it traversed the equator, watching the snow in Indonesia certainly something that is impossible to understand. Carstensz Pyramid (4884 m asl) is one of the snowy peaks. The highest peak in South East Asia and the Pacific is located in the Sudirman Mountains series. Peak is famous not only for its height, but also because there is a layer of snow on top.
Access manuju attractions Jayawijaya Peak
Given the weight of climbing terrain, complex licensing process, as well as security when the ascent, the climbers should utilize the services of an experienced travel agent. Various travel agents who have an international reputation have provided two route options, the classical pathway through the Village Ilaga, or both pathways are more comfortable with a helicopter ride to base camp Hill Lake (Lake Valley).
The travel agent will usually also handle licensing issues, transportation from Jakarta to Papua, rental helicopter to base camp, climbing guides, insurance, and training and conditioning team before the climb. Of course, the cost per person for a team ascent by using a travel agent requires considerable cost, namely sekithttp :/ / www.blogger.com / img / blank.gifar $ 10,000 per person (or about one hundred million dollars more)
Top Attractions Carstenz
Carstensz Pyramid peak has an altitude of 4884 M above sea level (16,023 ft). Location is at the coordinates 04 ° 04 733 S and E 137 ° 09 572, located in the west central highland called a Sudirman Jayawijaya and mountains. Many think that the same Jayawijaya peak Carstensz Pyramide, the two adjacent peaks located.
In 1623 John Carstensz Navigator of the Netherlands became the first to bring the word to Europe about the existence of the ice caps in the tropical western equatorial line eografis Papua New Guinea. The results of the report met with laughter by the public at the time. New in 1899, the lapse of three centuries of Dutch expedition was to create a map in there to justify what is conveyed John Carstensz. Then immortalized his name in there.
This mountain is located in Indonesia, but the climbers were graced by exploring mount most climbers instead of abroad is not local climbers. You know, every year there are about 200-300 foreign climbers explore this mountain climbers Indonesia while only tens of people. It looks strange, but it is a fact that happened on the field. Investigate a local climber investigate constrained in terms of licensing.

To climb this mountain there are two accesses, through freeport and Ilaga. Galih Donikara, a senior Wanadri mention to climb this mountain must have a recommendation from the Office Affairs, Police, BIA - Indonesian intelligence, Menhutbun / PKA, PT Freeport Indonesia (PT-FI). If you want to pass Tembagapura plus of Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI). It all should be taken care of in Jakarta. Then in Jayapura, the recommendation of Police Chief Bakorstanasda and have bagged. In Timika, on EPO and PTFI permission for the track facility. "Last in Tembagapura, coordination with the Emergency Response Group (ERG) for handling Emergency Procedures and apparatus Satgaspam to track security issues," said mountaineer who had joined the expedition of Indonesia - Everest '97 is. The series is a long list of letters of recommendation that eventually many of us prefer to make climbers climb abroad. As for access Ilaga, it takes even more cost and longer time to reach the base camp.