Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Beautiful Beach In Bangka Island, Indonesia

1. Parai Beach mackerel:
is located in the coastal area of ​​Matras. This beach is often used as a tourist attraction and is famous for its granite rocks of various sizes. Facilities available include hotels, outbound as well as water sports games.

2. Matras Beach:
The beach is popular among the people of Bangka, because the coastline is flat and sources of fresh water flowing toward the coast, make this beach location is perfect for a picnic and swim.

3. Tikus Beach:
The beach is one of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Bangka, because of its remote location and a lot of beautiful large rocks here.

4. Uber Gulf Beach:
Sloping beaches with sizable waves and volcanic rock surrounded by the unique and beautiful.

5. Penyusuk Beach:
Asir white, unique scenery with white sand beaches adorned by original granite boulders that artistic and crystal-clear sea water

6. Romodong Beach:
surrounded by hundreds of small islands. One of the best and unique beaches in Indonesia

7. Pasir Padi Beach:
is a beach located in the village of New Light, District Sungailiat. This beach is often dubbed as the beach Surgakarena beauty

8. Layang Beach:
Kite Beach is one of the many rocky beaches on the island of Bangka, we could enjoy the sunset at this beach.

9. Bedaun Beach
This beach is a beach that has the size of a typical batu2 Bangka Island pantai2 larger than the other, so that objects can make the stone objects very beautiful landscape photo.

Uniqueness Tombs in Toraja, Makasar

Uniqueness Tombs in Toraja, Makasar

On the wall of a steep hill, visible coffins piled up at the crack of cliff. Wood sculpture man complete with clothes lined neatly carved in the cliff wall like a window of a house. Not far from the tomb hanging, hidden a burial cave hundreds of years old. This is the place that have led many travelers from all over the world. Make sure you enter the Londa in the list of destinations that should be visited. Not to Londa Toraja then you do not know!

Every tribe in the world with the customs and beliefs have different ways of honoring and burying dead relatives. It is no secret that the way the people of Tana Toraja (especially the nobility) to bury their relatives is one of the most unique in the world. A series of expensive traditional funeral (Signs Solo) and the tomb caves on high cliffs that you can find in Tana Toraja, Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Londa is one of the most popular burial cave as a tourist destination in Tana Toraja. Londa attractions in the village of Sandan Uai, District Sanggalangi. Located approximately 7 kilometers from the southern city of Rantepao, a tourism center and accommodation for tourists. Therefore, Londa easily reached by public transportation such as minibus, taxi, or rental car or motorcycle.

To reach the cave eating Londa, you have to down some stairs. Make sure before you hire a lantern petromak of local communities for 25,000, -. To enter the tomb of Londa cave, you really need a lamp as a torch. You can bring your own lantern or ask someone (who also serves as a guide) to take him. Typically, special burial cave tour guide Londa not determine tariffs, you are free to decide.

From a distance, it looks dirimbuni precipice green trees. If your eyes are observant, you may notice the brightly colored coffins tucked in the crevices of the cliff wall. At the foot of a high cliff this lush, hidden natural cave used as a tomb.

Arriving at the cave, you may soon catch mystique. Nature is still green and wild and cold mountain weather will also welcome upon arrival at the location. On the walls of the cliffs around the cave, you will see a row of wooden statues (tau-tau) in the same chiseled stone cliffs without glass display case for the statues. Tau-tau is a carved wood as closely as possible with the bodies buried there. Usually wood is selected jackfruit wood that tends to yellow, the color closest to the color of human skin. Some of tau-tau is made by looking at the details; line wrinkles or sagging skin of the neck because it was an old carved carefully.

Around ranks tau-tau, appear coffins (erong) are supported by a wood in such a way that the crates are safe to be on the cliff. Apparently this is the tomb hanging man often cited as another attraction of Tana Toraja. Casket (erong) is the coffin position of the nobility or honor. The higher the location of the casket, the higher the degree of bodies buried there.

Toraja people believe that the dead can bring fortune to a life after death. This is one reason why they buried coffins in high places. In addition to protecting the buried treasure involved, they also believe that the higher the coffin lies closer to the spirit of the deceased journey into the place after death (nirvana).

Before entering the cave, it appears the bones scattered. The bones are from a coffin fell off a cliff because of its place hung or coffin was destroyed with age. Skull and bones can be placed in a new coffin, only to do so shall also conducted ceremonies are very expensive; ceremony may be the same as the first coffin was buried.

The funeral is customary for the bodies Toraja nobleman known as Solo Signs. In order to perform this ceremony, relatives left behind shall kill approximately 24 to 100 buffaloes (the nobility) or approximately 8 buffaloes and 50 pigs (the middle class). To qualify, the family of the deceased often takes months or even years to be able to collect all the necessary requirements in performing a ritual signs Solo. While waiting for the ceremony was held, the body is considered not died completely (pain). Therefore, the body will be stored in custom rumat (tongkonan) and treated as a living person, for example by giving favorite foods, cigarettes, and more. The objects are placed in the same casket offerings. The bodies are stored before dibalsam order not to cause odor.

As you browse the cave, there are many more skulls and bones scattered about. In some places, it looks too coffins are stacked or arranged in such a way. The setting was adjusted to lineage or family. In addition to the casket, there were also clothes or cigarettes deliberately placed there by relatives corpse. Reportedly, a collection of skulls and bones in the cave has tens or even hundreds of years old.

Natural burial cave Londa has a depth of up to 1000 meters. In tracing the contours burial cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites, you need to be careful. In some parts of the cave, the cave height of only about 1 meter, so you need to walk bent.

Conditions dark cave likely add an aura of mystical cave tomb. However, a trip through the cave tomb of Londa certainly is an experience that you will not get elsewhere. Make sure you do not move let alone intend to take the bones, skulls, or other objects in the tomb area, because this is one of ethics that should be followed when entering the ancestral tomb of Toraja people. One more thing to note if you visit Londa: You shall request prior authorization to carry betel nut or flower.

If there is a coffin fell because of the fragile cliff where originally placed, the bones, skulls, or others and may not be transferred without the approval of a series of ceremonies and traditional Toraja. Therefore, you need to be careful not to step on the bones and skull, let alone move



Attractions Jayawijaya Peak is located in the tropics is a snow-capped mountain, you can rectify these assumptions after visiting Jayawijaya Peak, the highest peak in the Sudirman Mountains (Sudirman Range) in the province of Papua. Peak or a shorter Jayawijaya called Puncak Jaya, reaching a height of 4884 + meters above sea level (asl), allowing the area covered by eternal snow.

However, permafrost is expected to shrink, even drying. In a number of studies concluded that the deposits of ice in these mountains from year to year a serious shrinkage. Depreciation in the Sudirman Mountains snow is caused by global warming. Thus, it is not impossible to lose one day these mountains of snow as it does on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Now, before it is actually estimated to be real, it could not hurt you to try to conquer the highest peak in Indonesia.

Jayawijaya Peak is one of the snowy mountain peaks that exist at the crossing of the equator, in addition to mountains in Africa and Latin America. When viewed from the air, Puncak Jayawijaya looks like a black carpet that was covered by a white hood. If the sun is bright, the snow will reflect the blinding sunlight. The content of the ice in the mountains is expected to reach 5 percent of the world's ice reserves outside the continent of Antarctica. However, due to global warming, the amount of shrinking year by year. When viewed from the type glaciers, snowy region Jayawijaya into the type of Alpine glaciation. While glacier (snow lumeran flow) in the region into the type of Valley Glacier, the glacier stream flowing from the higher towards the lower area. Therefore, in this area there is a possible flow of the glacier.

Besides known as Puncak Jaya, the highest peak is also known as Carstensz Pyramide, or the Carstensz Peak. The name was taken from an adventurer from the Netherlands, namely in January Carstensz, who first saw the snowy peaks in the tropics, specifically in New Guinea. The observation was made by Jan Carstensz through an ocean liner in 1623. Since not be proved by direct observation, the report was considered absurd. Because, for Europeans, find the snowy mountains in the tropics is something that is almost impossible.

The highlight of which is also listed as one of the top seven continents (Seven Summit), which is phenomenal and a coveted mountain climbers in the world. The peak is located in the National Park Jayawijaya Laurentz, Papua. The peak was covered by eternal snow. Eternal snow on Peak Jayawijaya is one of three snow fields in the tropics that are in the world. In our country it traversed the equator, watching the snow in Indonesia certainly something that is impossible to understand. Carstensz Pyramid (4884 m asl) is one of the snowy peaks. The highest peak in South East Asia and the Pacific is located in the Sudirman Mountains series. Peak is famous not only for its height, but also because there is a layer of snow on top.

Access manuju attractions Jayawijaya Peak
Given the weight of climbing terrain, complex licensing process, as well as security when the ascent, the climbers should utilize the services of an experienced travel agent. Various travel agents who have an international reputation have provided two route options, the classical pathway through the Village Ilaga, or both pathways are more comfortable with a helicopter ride to base camp Hill Lake (Lake Valley).
The travel agent will usually also handle licensing issues, transportation from Jakarta to Papua, rental helicopter to base camp, climbing guides, insurance, and training and conditioning team before the climb. Of course, the cost per person for a team ascent by using a travel agent requires considerable cost, namely sekithttp :/ / / img / blank.gifar $ 10,000 per person (or about one hundred million dollars more)

Top Attractions Carstenz

Carstensz Pyramid peak has an altitude of 4884 M above sea level (16,023 ft). Location is at the coordinates 04 ° 04 733 S and E 137 ° 09 572, located in the west central highland called a Sudirman Jayawijaya and mountains. Many think that the same Jayawijaya peak Carstensz Pyramide, the two adjacent peaks located.

In 1623 John Carstensz Navigator of the Netherlands became the first to bring the word to Europe about the existence of the ice caps in the tropical western equatorial line eografis Papua New Guinea. The results of the report met with laughter by the public at the time. New in 1899, the lapse of three centuries of Dutch expedition was to create a map in there to justify what is conveyed John Carstensz. Then immortalized his name in there.

This mountain is located in Indonesia, but the climbers were graced by exploring mount most climbers instead of abroad is not local climbers. You know, every year there are about 200-300 foreign climbers explore this mountain climbers Indonesia while only tens of people. It looks strange, but it is a fact that happened on the field. Investigate a local climber investigate constrained in terms of licensing.

To climb this mountain there are two accesses, through freeport and Ilaga. Galih Donikara, a senior Wanadri mention to climb this mountain must have a recommendation from the Office Affairs, Police, BIA - Indonesian intelligence, Menhutbun / PKA, PT Freeport Indonesia (PT-FI). If you want to pass Tembagapura plus of Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI). It all should be taken care of in Jakarta. Then in Jayapura, the recommendation of Police Chief Bakorstanasda and have bagged. In Timika, on EPO and PTFI permission for the track facility. "Last in Tembagapura, coordination with the Emergency Response Group (ERG) for handling Emergency Procedures and apparatus Satgaspam to track security issues," said mountaineer who had joined the expedition of Indonesia - Everest '97 is. The series is a long list of letters of recommendation that eventually many of us prefer to make climbers climb abroad. As for access Ilaga, it takes even more cost and longer time to reach the base camp.

Gili Trawangan Beach, Lombok

Gili Trawangan Beach, Lombok

Gili Trawangan Beach is located on an island with the same name as the island of Gili Trawangan. This island is one of three small islands or dyke located in the northwest of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara than Gili Meno and Gili Air. Gili Trawangan has a length of 3 kilometers and a width of 2 kilometers. This island has a population of 800 thousand people and has the most complete tourist facilities compared to 2 other islands above.

Unlike Bali, Gili Trawangan and Gili other two buddies are not going to see a motor vehicle, because there is not allowed by the rules of the local area. There's just the wind bicycles are available for rent by the locals to the tourists and Cidomo a type of horse-drawn carriage in general that can mate climbed by paying Rp 125,000 for 3 people. For traveling to and from the Gili Gili one another, tourists or locals using a motor boat or a speedboat.

Gili Trawangan is presenting something more than the other two Gili. The activities are mostly done by the tourists in Gili Trawangan is Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, kayaking and surfing. There are also several places to practice riding for tourists. For my friend who like to travel under the sea, the beach Gili Trawangan is the right place for my friend. Because seawater is so clear buddy can freely see the beauty of coral reefs and marine life even with the naked eye (not wearing goggles).

Gili Trawangan has an area of ​​340 hectares is the exotic nature so complete, ranging from white sandy beaches, rows of cypress trees, acacias, palms and houses - houses thatched traditional Sasak form of deliberately designated as hotels - hotels along the beach seemed to add beautiful panorama there. There is also a range of bale-shaped seating - for tourists sunbathing bale to make us reluctant to leave these shores.

To get to Gili Trawangan buddy from Mataram city could take a taxi all the way through Senggigi beach with a fee of about USD 100,000 followed by crossing to Gili Trawangan through Lombok regency Port Ward in the North with a ticket price of Rp 20,000 to the crossing time of about 1 hour drive.

For accommodations or lodging friend not to worry because there are a lot of standing hotel, take a class or star jasmine and there are also villas and bungalows, so just choose whichever suits our pocket. For my friend who like culinary, Gili Trawangan is also plenty of restaurants and restaurants serving a variety of menus, both typical of Lombok and international menu. Happy holidays.



Maybe some of you have never tried trekking to Lake Kelimutu but some may still dreaming to visit. The lake has three colors atop teletak Kelimutu National Park.

Travel by rental car with a capacity of 7 seats to keep you entertained with impressive views along the road for several hours. Winding journey that connects the islands along the 350 km of this somehow is a decent price for a beautiful panorama of Flores that deserves to be discussed.

Kelimutu National Park is the smallest national park of six National Parks in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. However, his size is not so important when you see the natural beauty of this national park has to offer. Here there are three lakes located on top of Mount Kelimutu, three lakes have the same name and popularly known as the Lake Kelimutu. Each lake has colors and their meanings. The three lakes are believed to be the abode of spirits and also believed to have a very powerful force of nature.
Kelimutu dipopularkan a Dutch citizen named Van Such Telen in 1915. Its beauty is more widely known after Y. Bouman depicts the beauty of the lake and discoloration in his great 1929.

To reach the lake, you can start from Moni, a small town which is the backpacker.Pemandangan beautiful basecamp along the road to the location of the lake is very beautiful. Most western lake named Tiwu Ata Mbupu meaning 'lake souls of parents who have died'. The lake is located in the middle of a lake called Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu or 'lake untukjiwa-life youth who had died'. The most eastern lakes called Tiwu Ata Polo or 'lake for souls for people always a crime'. Third color lake is always changing.

There are other lakes in the world that can change color as the Blue Lake at Mount Gambier, South Australia, the color changes to blue-gray color and can also diprediksi.Ada Yudamari lake on Mount Nakade, Japan, which changes color from turquoise a water green color .Sometimes, the color can be blue, green and black, and other times can be white, red and blue, and some time ago a dark brown color.

Scientifically discoloration Kelimutu is a factor of mineral deposits, moss and rocks in the crater and also the influence of sunlight. Scientists believe that the lake was formed from volcano eruptions in ancient times. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of geologists because of the existence of the lake which has three different colors, but in this same mountain. Local communities in Moni, convinced that the people who live around the lake have done evil and death.

Kelimutu Lake is part of the National Park Kelimutu. The highest point of the park is located at 5.679 feet Kelibara mountain (1.731 meters) and Mount Kelimutu feet or as high as 5.544 (1.690 meters). Kelimutu National Park is home to around 19 species of endangered birds such as pigeon flores (Treron floris), Wallacea owl (Otus silvicola), jungle-swinging sweep (Rhinomyias oscillans), kancilan Flores (Pachycephala nudigula), junk dwarf (Pericrocotus lansbergei ), tesia Timor (Tesia everetti), opior crested (Lophozosterops dohertyi), opior half thick (Heleia crassirostris), chili gold (Dicaeum Annae), kehicap flores (Monarcha sacerdotum), honey bird Matari (Nectarinia solaris), and eagle Flores ( Spizaetus floris).

Here also can be found mountain rat (Bunomys naso), banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), deer (Muntiacus muntjak nainggolani), mongoose (Pardofelis marmorata), pangolin (Manis javanica), porcupine (Hystrix brachyura brachyura), and deer (Tragulus javanicus javanicus ).

Local people believe that the lake is where the souls of the dead rest. Kelimutu area surrounded by forests that covered a variety of plants that are rarely found elsewhere on Flores. Besides pine trees, there are also ferns, plant genus Casuarina, redwood and edelweiss flowers. Pine forests flourished at the height of Mount Kelimutu. Another area of ​​barren mountain with sand and soil that is not stable. Local people believe that Kelimutu is Kramat mountain and a source of fertility to the soil around it.



Mount Ijen or more in the know with the Kawah Ijen, is one mountain that is still active today. It has a height of 2443 m above sea level, the caldera walls 300-500 m high and has 4 times erupted in 1796, 1817, 1913 and 1936.
Ijen volcano complex is one that consists of Ijen crater and the high plains. This area is located in the three districts namely Situbondo, Bondowoso and Banyuwangi.

In this area there are volcanic sulfur mines, which indicates the mountain is still active and the activity. While at the Ijen crater area, visitors can see the miners were busy carrying piles of sulfur on their backs, down the steep and filled with harmful toxic gases.

Kawah Ijen crater lake is the center of the largest in the world, which can produce 36 million cubic meters of sulfur and hydrogen chloride with an area of ​​approximately 5466 hectares .. Dangerous crater has an extraordinary beauty with turquoise-colored sulfur lakes with dramatic and elegant touch. Ijen lake has zero degrees of acidity and has a depth of 200 meters. Strong acidity can dissolve clothing and human fingers.

For those who like to be adventurous, to reach Mount Ijen can be accessed from two directions, namely, from the north and from the south. From the north, can travel through Situbondo towards Sempol (Bondowoso) through Wonosari and dilajutkan to Paltuding. Jaral Paltuding Situbondo to about 93 km and can ditemput about 2.5 hours.

From the south, can be passed from Banyuwangi into Slick within 15 Km. Of Slick towards Paltuding within 18 km and passed on using Jeep or other heavy car about 6 km before the Paltuding. This is because the roads are winding and uphill.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013



Parangtritis located 27 km south of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transportation that operates until 17:00 pk and private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up into the cliffs behind the beach Gembirawati this. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, southern ocean, to the horizon.

I will tell you a secret. Not many people know that the east cliff is hidden a ruined temple. Unlike other temples are located in mountainous areas, Temple Gembirawati just a few hundred meters from the lip Parangtritis. To reach this temple, we can get past the ramp near Hotel Queen of the South and into the path westward about 100 meters. Faint roar fierce waves of the southern ocean can be heard from this temple.

Parangtritis very closely with the legendary Queen of South. Many people believe that Java is the gateway Parangtritis Queen of South magical kingdom that controls the southern ocean. Hotel Queen of the South is a luxury resort named after this legend. Unfortunately the resort is now open but rarely used feature that could make us breathless.

Romantic sunset in Parangtritis

When the sun is inclined to the west and sunny weather, it's time to have fun. Although visitors are prohibited from swimming, Parangtritis not lack the means to having fun. On the beach there are rentals of ATV (All-terrain Vechile), the tariff is about Rp. 50000-100000 per half hour. Enter his gear and then release the clutch, pulling gas. Brrrrooom, four-wheeled all-terrain bike would take off take you across the sand dune beaches.

Well, ATVs may be suitable only for those who are adventurous. Another option is the gig. Down the smooth sand surface waves swept the two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage is no less enjoyable. Bendi will take us to the east end Parangtritis place so beautiful cluster of coral spot is often used as a pre-wedding photo shoot. Twilight dim golden sun and shadow on the surface of the water evoke a romantic atmosphere.

Parangtritis also offer excitement for those who traveled with family. Kite-flying with your baby is equally enjoyable. Strong sea breeze is helpful to make a kite flying high, even if you have never played a kite though.

Still reluctant to go home even though the sun had set? Soon some roasted corn sellers will hold a mat on the beach, we can hang in there until late at night. Still did not want to go home? Do not worry, in Parangtritis available dozens of flights and accommodation at an affordable price.



If you find it too far to the Grand Canyon in America there, now you do not need to be too disappointed again. Indonesia was also having Green Canyon itself is no less beautiful. Actually, this place has the real name is Cukang Taneuh. Green Canyon own name was popularized by a French citizen in 1993. While Cukang Taneuh got the sense that the land bridge. That's because over the valley and ravine Green Canyon there is a bridge of land used by farmers around there to get to their gardens.

Green Canyon Indonesia is located in the village of Kertayasa, District Cijulang, Ciamis, West Java. From City Ciamis itself is about 130 km or if from Pangandaran is approximately 31 km. Near there is attraction attractions and the Airport Nusawiru Batukaras.

This amazing attraction is actually a flow of the river Cijulang passing through the cave full of beauty and charm stalaktif stalakmitnya. In addition the area is also flanked by two hills, also with many rocks and grove of trees. Everything was formed as a natural painting is so unique and so challenging to discover.

To reach this location travelers must depart from the dock Ciseureuh. Then continue the trip by boat or paddle paste is widely available there. The distance between the dock with the Green Canyon site about 3km, which can be reached within 30-45 minutes. Along the way we will pass the river with green water tosca. Perhaps this is where the name of Green Canyon originated.

Once seen rafting with a narrow groove that difficult to pass by the boat means you've reached the mouth of Green Canyon, where the water is very clear bluish color. This is where the adventure of exploring the beauty of the initial attraction starts. From here tourists can go on up to the swimming or crawling on the edge of the stone. Supplied tires and floats for those who choose to swim. Despite having to go through this way, guaranteed to be completely secure way. Even for children 6 years and older is safe enough to flow down the river by using tires and guided by a chartered boat owners.

Travel will continue to be in the basin steep walls on either side of the river. The walls to present its own beauty, the unique shape resembles a cave whose roof has collapsed. Also in the top couple of times visitors will pass through the stalactites that are still energized water droplets land. After a few hundred meters of swimming, you will see some small waterfalls on the left and right are so captivating. If you continue to swim then visitors will come to the end of the road, where there are many caves inhabited by bats.

The flow of the river is quite long, so that visitors can swim your heart's content while the flow of the waterfall. In addition to beautiful views over the water, Green Canyon will be a separate heaven for those who love diving. Staying bring some diving equipment, stunning scenery the notches in the water ready to be explored and enjoyed, complete with a variety of fish that swim to and fro in the bottom of the base. For those who like challenging adrenaline, can jump from a large stone with a height of 5m to the bottom of a deep base.

For those of you who really want to enjoy the beauty of the Green Canyon attraction should be familiar with the seasons. Because the best time to enjoy this attraction is keindahaan moments after entering the dry season. Because if the rainy season, it is feared torrential rivers and water colors will be brown.

Before you decide to go to the Green Canyon, you should first prepare enough cash. Because there tidakada bank or ATM. For ATM, where lodging and accommodation facilities are complete you can get in Pangandaran.

For access to boating, there is available a fleet of boats that quite a lot. There are about 100 boats that can take you to explore this attraction. On each boat will be equipped with an interpreter and task stones to guide you on your way.

Route that must be taken to get to the Green Canyon, namely:

From Jakarta and Bandung,

You can follow the route directions to the Central Java through Tasik City-Ciamis Cities Banjar-Pangandaran.

For EAST JAVA you can go to the Direction Central Java first, then proceed to take the path to the West Java by following the path of Direction (Purworejo-Kebumen-Wangon-Banjar-Pangandaran-Ciamis).

For those of you who use public transport, of course, do not bother thinking about the route. Because the driver will take you directly to Pangandaran (Green Canyon). But to note that you Stay there, you can chose which are in hotels in Pangandaran many available or can also stay at the attraction Batukaras very close to Green Canyon. (For hotel information data you can see the list of the available hotels at this site).

Enjoy Vacation with Your Family Long, Visit and Enjoy Potential attractions Ciamis district to another, are no less interesting with the Green Canyon.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Kawah Putih Lake, Bandung

Kawah Putih Lake, Bandung

Kawah Putih lake at the top Ciwidey Patuha the local people also called Mount Sepuh. Kawah Putih lake located in District Patuha Ciwidey, Bandung regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. Located approximately 46 kilometers to the south from downtown Bandung. In addition to Kawah Putih, the mountain has a height of 2434 meters above sea level and the temperature between 8-12 degrees Celsius is also currently in the western crater. Both craters are formed by the eruption of Mount Patuha in the 10th century and into the 12th. Kawah Putih is located at an altitude of 2194 above sea level.

The beauty of Kawah Putih Lake  discovered in 1837 by Dutch botanist named Dr. German breed. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn. Previously, the community surrounding the peaks considered haunted and full of mystery, so that no one would dare come

Long after that discovery, namely in 1983, Perhutani Unit III West Java and Banten new Kawah Putih lakes make the area as a tourist attraction open to the public.

There are many features in the region, one of which visitors can enjoy a variety of unique Kawah Putih lake. Besides the beauty of the natural surroundings of natural beauty, visitors can also see the steam directly out of the rock whereon, gurgle of water in the middle of the crater, and the sulfur smell is not too overpowering.

Kawah Putih Ciwidey

Visitors can enjoy the beauty of Kawah Putih Lake while walking leisurely around the lake or while sitting in shelters that exist in the region. Visitors will see various types of rare flora, such as Eldelweis flowers, plants Cantiqi fragrant, nutritious plants that can repel Lemo venomous animals and plants Vaccinium as vegetation typical crater. In addition to various types of flora, in this region there are also many types of animals, such as eagles, monkeys, deer, wild pigs, panthers, and leopards.

Visitors can also see the crater a change of color. Sometimes the apple green and bluish. When the blazing sun and fine weather, the color changed to brown. Nevertheless, the color white is the dominant color of the water crater. The dominance of the white color is also seen in the color of sand and rocks that are all around the lake.
