Saturday, 23 March 2013

Indonesia is the lost continent of Atlantis

Is it true that Indonesia is the lost continent of Atlantis?

Indonesia has experienced successive natural disasters. Starting from the tsunami in Aceh until the recent mudflow in East Java. It reminds us of similar events in the region known as the continent of Atlantis. Is there a relationship between Indonesia and Atlantis?

Plato (427-347 BC) said that tens of thousands of years ago there was a variety of simultaneous volcanic eruptions, causing earthquakes, melting ice, and flooding. The incident resulted in most of the earth's surface to sink. That part is called the lost continent or Atlantis.

Recent research conducted by Aryso Santos, asserted that Atlantis was what is now called Indonesia. After doing research for 30 years, he produced a book Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitifve Localization of Platos Lost Civilization (2005). Santos featuring 33 comparisons, such an area, the weather, natural resources, volcanoes, and farming, which finally concluded that Atlantis is Indonesia. System terasisasi fields typical of Indonesia, he said, is the form adopted by the Borobudur Temple, Pyramids in Egypt, and ancient buildings Aztecs in Mexico.

Not a chance as Indonesia in 1958, the idea of ​​Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja through Law no. 4 Regulation 1960, sparked Djoeanda Declaration. Stating that the waters of Indonesia archipelago remoteness is unity. The fact was later recognized by the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982. Referring to research Santos, during which tens of thousands of years ago the territory of Indonesia is a unified continent. Not fragmented in the tens of thousands of islands as it does now.

Santos set in the past that Atlantis was a continent that stretches from the south of India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, continue eastward to Indonesia (now) as its center. In the region there are dozens of active volcanoes and surrounded by oceans that blends named Orientale, consisting of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

Plato's theory explains that the lost continent of Atlantis is due to the eruption of the same volcano erupted. At that time most of the rest of the world is covered by layers of ice (Pleistocene era). With the eruption of the volcano decades together, mostly located in the territory of Indonesia (first), then drowned the most of the continent was covered by water and the origin of ice melt. Among the eruption of Mount Meru in South India and the Mount Semeru in East Java. Then the volcanic eruption in Sumatra which formed Lake Toba with Somasir island, which is the top of the mountain that erupted at the time. The most devastating eruptions in the future is Mount Krakatau (Krakatoa), which breaks part of Sumatra and Java and other Sunda plateau and forming straits.

Atlantis is derived from Sanskrit Atala, which means heaven or sighting tower (watch tower), Atalaia (Potugis), Atalaya (Spanish). Plato insisted that the Atlantic at that time was the center of the civilized world in the form of culture, natural resources, science / technology, and others. Plato established that the location of Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean now. At the time, he insisted that the earth is flat and surrounded by the ocean (ocean) thoroughly. Ocean derived from the Sanskrit word meaning ashayana surrounds thoroughly. The opinion was later challenged by experts in the future such as Copernicus, Galilei-Galileo, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking.

Santos contrast with Plato about the location of Atlantis. Scientists Brazil it argued, that at the time of the eruption of the volcano is different, causing the ice to melt and flow into the ocean so that the extent of increase. Water and mud from the volcano ash burdening the ocean and the bottom, resulting in tremendous pressure to the skin of the earth at the bottom of the ocean, especially in coastal continent. This pressure resulted in the quake. The quake was reinforced by mountains in a row then erupted and caused a devastating tsunami. Santos named Heinrich Events.

In an effort to express opinions based world history, looks Plato had made two mistakes, first about the shape / position of the earth which he said flatly. Second, the location of which is said to be the continent of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean were opposed by Santos. U.S. military research in the Atlantic region proved unable to find traces of a lost continent. Therefore it is not arbitrary no proverb that says, Amicus Plato, sed magic amica veritas. Means, I am glad to Plato but I prefer the truth. However, there are circumstances present that between Plato and Santos agreed . That first, that the location of the sunken continent of Atlantis and by Santos confirmed as the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, the number or length of the chain of volcanoes in Indonesia. Among them is Kerinci, Gutters, Krakatoa, Malabar, Galunggung, Pangrango, Merapi, Merbabu, Semeru, Bromo, Agung, Rinjani. Some of the mountain has been or is being active again.

Third, the issue of mud from the eruption of the volcano ashes mixed with sea water to mud. Sludge at sea is then seeped into the soil on the mainland. Mud is mixed with natural gas which is impossible barrier of mud (mud barriers that can not be passed), or in navigable (impassable), can not be penetrated or penetrated. In the case in Sidoarjo, never done remote sensing, remote sensing, indicating a canalization system in the region. It is possible that the former distribution canalization mudflow from the past.


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